bel =)

Sunday, December 27, 2009


It was camp after camp for me.. and i was kinda tired.
so many activities going on.
that's why my blog's kinda dead for a period. heehee.
Anyways this holiday, i made lotsa friends!!

LTC ~ Lupin! Camp 7lbs ~ Mountain Dew!
LTC wasn't as bad as i thought it would be, all thanks to such wonderful grp members (:
thank God i had a great group! =D
love them to bits..
& i totally enjoyed myself in both camps! being both a member and a leader..
i know, i'd just have to trust in the Lord and He'll make my paths right :D
Now, it's time for me to study.. haha.
but looks like i've more outings to go too and i've really got to plan my time wisely :D
a few more pages of Physics and Econs and i can start studying for block test.
Woots! i know i'm kinda like laid back though :p

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

& i'm thinking...

School camps are sooo like vacuum cleaners.
Only some would understand the above statement.
Oh wells.

Dear Lord,
Please make this school camp an exception.
I wanna have fun and not get freaked out.
Ty Lord, in Jesus' Name i pray. Amen =D

High elements and stuff, here i come!!
are you still in my head?

Monday, November 23, 2009


though it's short, i'm happy :D

Superposition.Current of electricity.
Differentiation.Macclaurin theory.

hehhhh overload overload!!

hmm i should train myself to be more optimistic =D
LTC maybe won't be that bad after all.
think optimistic!
my Lord will protect me from harm!
if i have Him in me, who else & what else should i fear! :D

the cca leaders meeting tmr will be a breeze (see! i'm being optimistic. okay and a little schiz. lols talking to myself) and then i'm gonna learn hoedown throwdown dance in sch! hahaha.
hope i can learn fast and dance well! =DD

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Preparation for Camps
(especially LTC, Lord i'm scared. I pray that it'll not be another SC camp otherwise i really can't take it anymore.)
why can't school camps be fun for once? and not stressful.. just like church camps..
well, i just don't get it.
Planning for CCA eventS
(Can you guys please cooperate with me? Please.. Trying being in my shoes for once and i hope you guys will understand where i'm coming from. i'd really appreciate it if you all take the initiative and cooperate with me. i'm really stressed out.)
though i know none of you will be reading this.
but i just need to let it out, bite my lips and persevere.
School Projects
(i thank God for my grp.)
Academics (J2 Block Test: teachers are placing so much emphasis on it saying that we'll have to U-turn if we don't score well and it's like the 2nd week after sch reopens. URGH!)
so many things to deal with in this short period of time..
but i've to be strong.
Lord please help me.. I can do it! YES!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Watch out!!

A tsunami of tutorials and projects are coming your way!
No break. No rest. At. All.
just like a never-ending highway..
&i'm tired :(
Lord, please give me strength..
just so you know, smoking is not what a true friend will ask you to do..

Sunday, November 08, 2009

so what

&i wish there is a canopy, protecting just you and me..
There's a difference between letting go and pretending you've forgotten.
Thinking of you makes me sad.. (just like today)
Yea. don't u know that we care for you?
That we're always here for you no matter what, as long as you care to open up to us.
Why is it that you've to choose this road?
I just don't understand.
&i pray that you'll come..
If i ever made a mistake, its not that I love you, but it’s thinking that someday you’ll love me too.

Friday, November 06, 2009

what an awakening

Came across this in some blog, ENJOY! :D
"Every girl has that one boy, that they’ll never get over.
That one guy who makes you laugh all the time.
The one who gives you butterflies just when someone mentions his name.
That one who remembers all the stupid things you say
and reminds you about it months from now.
The one who has his name written all over your heart.
The one whom you compare to everyone.
The one you never get sick of talking or hearing about.
The one you cry over and over about.
The one everyone thinks you can do better than.
The one you ask why her and not me.
The one when you first saw him you knew you loved him.
The one that in some way ends up not being yours."
how true..

Monday, November 02, 2009


;Being lonely isn't the worst feeling in the world.
It's being forgotten by someone you can never forget.
because I know I’ll move on.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


spongebobbb mohawk!
but we were bored u see.. lols!
Who knows? Maybe one day we’ll be perfect for each other
JY 0929! we can do it!

YM has been really fun ever since the lessons changed to suit the youth's lifestyle :)
Today it was about facebooking, blogging etc.
I really agree with what has been taught today.
Our blogs and what-nots can encourage others or put others down.
why not encourage instead?
Life is short, enjoy it!
Don't worry & be happy! =DD
"It gets hard to trust anyone when everyone you ever opened your heart to has let you down."

Thursday, October 15, 2009

to an audience of one...

Lord please let there be a miracle.
I know i can trust in You & i will keep the faith..
don't let them lose hope..
"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy."
-Thich Nhat Hanh-